
Monday 27 May 2024

How to make Khatta moong


Moong Beans

Moong beans, also known as green gram, play a crucial role in many Asian cuisines. Their mild flavor and versatility make them perfect for soups, salads, and curries. You can use moong beans whole, split, or sprouted, each form offering unique culinary benefits.


Health Benefits

Moong beans pack a punch with protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and folate. They aid digestion, promote heart health, and regulate blood sugar levels. Their high antioxidant content combats inflammation and supports immune function, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

There are many recipes you can make with moong beans such as :

 Moong Beans (Green lentils) cooked gujarati style

 Red Camargue and Sprouted Moong Bean Salad

What is Khatta Moong?

Khatta means sour and Moong is dried green gram. The name is given to a sweet and sour yoghurt based curry that is make with sour natural yoghurt and green gram. It is a very popular recipe commonly make in Gujarati Cuisine. A similar version called Khatta Urad is also made in the same manner but using black gram known as urad beans.

What type of yoghurt is used in making this recipe?

It is important to use natural yoghurt that is sour for this recipe, however if your yoghurt is not sour you can add some lemon juice to the yoghurt to make it sour.

Can I make this with plant based yoghurt?

You can make this recipe with natural sugar free plant based yoghurt such as Alpro Soya no sugars yoghurt, However you will need to add lemon juice to it to make the yoghurt sour.

What is Jaggery?

Jaggery is a traditional, unrefined sugar made from sugarcane or palm sap. It has a rich, caramel-like flavour and is often used in South Asian cuisine. Jaggery retains more minerals and nutrients than refined sugar.

What is a substitution for Jaggery?

You can add brown sugar, white sugar  or any sweetener of choice such as canderal or stevia.

Best way to cook the moong beans

Its is advisable to soak the moong beans 4 hours or over night before cooking them. I prefer to bring them to the boil in a pan and then simmer them on low heat until cooked. You do not want the moong beans to go mushy, The recipe works best with cooked moong beans that retain their shape.
However you can cook them in a pressure cooker or instapot if you prefer but make sure not to over cook them.

What can I serve the Khatta Moong with?

The khatta moong recipe is easy to make and tastes delicious with steamed rice. It can also be served with chapattis.

Lets get to the recipe now:

You can also watch the full recipe video for Khatta Moong below:

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  1. This looks so good! I love that creamy sauce, and the beans sound amazing. I can't wait to make this!

    1. i hope you make and enjoy them if it helps follow the video which has step by step instructions you can follow along.

  2. We don't eat enough beans. When I do make them, I am reminded just how much I love them. I haven't heard of these beans though, going to check them out.

    1. Moong Beans are very high in protein, they are good for weight loss too,

  3. I have never eaten khatta moong before. I would be interested to give it a try, I have not really tried many dishes made using sour yogurt before and I also haven't eaten moong beans.

    1. Hey Asha moong beans are really good for protein and are super diet foods too I hope you try them.

  4. I have never heard of this dish before but it looks intriguing and one I would like to try!

    1. It's a very popular dish in Gujarati Indian homes. It's not commonly found in restaurants.

  5. The Khatta moong sounds like an awesome recipe to me. Would love to try it this weekend!

    1. Make and enjoy you will love the flavours.

  6. I don't think I've ever had moong beans. But they sound like there are a lot of good properties to them so I may need to find some Asian inspired dishes with them in to try x

    1. You can get them in any Asian supermarket or large supermarket that has a world foods section.

  7. This dish sounds perfect for my family dinner, and I can't wait to try it with some steamed rice.

    1. Make and enjoy, do follow the recipe video for visual instructions to cook along with.

  8. This blog post is incredibly informative! I had no idea moong beans offered so many health benefits. The recipes sound delicious, especially the Moong Beans cooked Gujarati style. I appreciate the detailed explanations about Khatta Moong and the flexibility with yogurt options. The tips on using jaggery and its substitutes are very helpful too. Can't wait to try these recipes!

    1. Thankyou , I try and cover all dietary requirements in my posts so that anyone can recreate the recipe and try it. Often these specific regional recipes are not served in restaurants so readers may not have heard of them or tried them as they are home cooking that I grew up eating in a Gujarati Indian Household. To some readers these type of recipes they have never heard of.

  9. Oh wow this looks insane . Will definitely give it a go this weekend - kira

  10. I do not think I have ever heard of these beans! Sounds like a really healthy thing to eat - thank you for sharing your recipe.


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