Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Flavoured fruit waters and a Zero Water Jug Giveaway.

Keeping hydrated is extremely for our body and health Water is essential for the kidneys and other bodily functions. During the day water is lost by the body in the form of sweating and urination, and this needs to be replaced. The amount of water needed each day does vary from person to person.However the average recommended amount for men is 3.7 litres and 207 litres for women. This seems rather a lot but this amount is made up from water you get from food, fruits, food, tea, coffee and drinks and drinking plain water too.

Water quality differs from area to area and this also affects the taste if it. With my 12 cup Zero Water jug gives me perfectly clear water no matter where I am. The jug is big enough for a family and is stylish in design. It is NSF Certified and comes with a 5-Stage Dual-Ion Exchange filtration system that reduces Lead, Chromium and Mercury and  removes 99.6% of all dissolved solids.

The filtered water taste delicious and it's perfect for drinking and cooking with too. The Jug comes with a filter, a water quality meter tool for checking the water quality and it has a push button tap at the base of the jug to allow filling bottles easily. This function is handy to use when the jug is full and too heavy to lift for some people.

To encourage my family to drink more water during the summer months I make my own sugar free fruit infused waters using the filtered water from my Zero Water jug.

You can make zero sugar fruit infused waters, our favourites are cucumber and lemon, cucumber and mint, pineapple and mint, mixed berries with mint. You can add any fruits to your water to flavour it and it makes a refreshing healthy sugar free flavoured fruit waters. I also make my ice cubes with the filtered water to add to the drinks.

I love my new jug and as always I love my readers to get a chance to try it out too.Zero Water have agreed to send one simplyf00d reader a jug to try out.

How To Enter:

  • Simply complete the Rafflecopter widget below to verify your entries
  • Entries can be via blog comment, Facebook, Twitter etc
  • Please read the rules they form the terms and conditions of this Giveaway
  • Closing date – 16th June 2019 12.00 am
  • Prize  One 12 cup Zero Water Jug
  • Open to UK residents  and over 18 years of age.

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**In collaboration with Zero Water


  1. 2 glasses a day and 6 cups of tea

  2. Not enough mainly in tea and coffee

  3. Around 1L of water and quite a bit of tea!

  4. About 2 pints of pure water.

  5. about 2 litres

  6. not enough! 4 or 5 glasses

  7. I Drink about 2 litres a day - fruit infused

  8. I drink 8 glasses or more a day.

  9. as a big drinker of chilled water I would say I drink about 3 litres of water a day

  10. I try and drink a couple of glasses at least alongside the other drinks I have.

  11. I do not drink nearly enough! Maybe this would encourage me?

  12. I'm actually really good at drinking water!! I have 6 pint glasses per day

  13. About 2 glasses of water the rest in tea and coffee

  14. I drink a few glasses a day but i should be drinking more.

  15. I have never measured but it's probably not enough

  16. I drink at least a litre but try for more.

  17. I drink 2.5 litres a day, it’s all I drink!

  18. More in the summer, so about 3 or 4 glassed at themoment, but I think the idea of fruit water would encourage me to drink more

  19. Joanne McDonald29 May 2019 at 20:14

    Not enough and this would definitely help! Probably couple of glasses

  20. I always make sure I. drink 3 litres of water a day

  21. not much over winter, but about five glasses over summer x

  22. I try and drink at least two litres a day if I can

  23. As much as I can but definitely not as much as I should!!

  24. As much as I can but definitely not as much as I should!!

  25. I try to fill up my water bottle at least twice so just over 1 litre in water and then loads of tea and coffee

  26. Sadiyya Maryam30 May 2019 at 03:19

    Definitely below what I should be having only about 2 glasses a day! Not good I know I need to change this.

  27. i try to drink at least a litre, but most of my water comes from hot drinks and fruit juices

  28. About 1 to 1.5 litres

  29. I really don't drink enough water about 2 glasses the rest is tea and coffee

  30. I drink up to 2 litres a day xx

  31. Not enough, this would help! Probably a couple of glasses. @michellecdag

  32. I try and drink a litre a day but don't like the taste if unfiltered tap water so buy bottled water, this prize would be perfect and save me money too

  33. i really dont drink much at all! id love to make the effort to drink more

  34. Natalie Burgess30 May 2019 at 13:37

    5 glasses xx

  35. I drink about 2 litres a day

  36. I drink around 2l of plain water a day, along with hot drinks

  37. I don't drink plain water but I drink millions of cups a tea a day

  38. I aim to drink at least 2 litres a day

  39. Try to have 2 or 3 large glasses x

  40. I drink about 4 pints of water a day

  41. Usually quite a lot, i tend to mainly stick to water.

  42. i drink about 1.5 litres should be drinking more though!

  43. I drink around 2-3 litres per day. I love water.

  44. No where near enough. I'm trying to cut out fizzy drinks and replace it with water though

  45. Usually between 2 - 3 litres

  46. definitely not enough. I live in a hard water area and don't like our tap water... i'm trying to cut down on plastic bottles so think a water filter is definitely the way forward

  47. About 2 pints of water with a splash of squash and usually 3 or 4 cups of tea

  48. Not enough as I cannot stand the stuff, drink plenty in tea though

  49. Not enough, I drink about 3 glasses

  50. About two litres- quite a bit at night

  51. Not enough, probably! Unless it counts boiled and with a teabag dunked in it....

  52. I'd like to say a litre but it's more like a pint

  53. Hi there colleagues, good post and pleasant urging
    commented here, I am genuinely enjoying by these.

  54. I probably have at least one litre a day but usually more. Water is my favourite drink
    Linda Ford

  55. About a litre at the mo but trying to increase

  56. Michelle Ferguson2 June 2019 at 13:22

    I drink about 6 glasses a day, trying to drink more though

  57. Usually a couple of pints which is probably not enough.

  58. I don't drink enough water but I do drink quite a bit of squash which is where I get my water intake from.

  59. Actual water rather than total liquid - 1-2 pints depending on time of year (more in the summer, less in the winter when I have more hot drinks). Rafflecopter entries are in my actual name NIKKI HAYES, thanks for the great giveaway :o)

  60. Nowhere near enough, approx 2/3 glasses a day

  61. Plain water? Rarely. I sometimes manage one glass otherwise it's several herbal teas.

  62. I try to drink 2 litres but often only end up drinking 1l

  63. I drink around 4-5 pints most days but I have been known to drink 8 or only 1! I really need to be more consistent with it though as I notice when I haven't drunk as much.

  64. About one and a half pints!

  65. I drink at least 6 cups of tea so get plenty of water!

  66. I try to drink 2 pints of just water per day but drink lots more in squash and tea

  67. I don't drink anywhere near enough water a day, only a couple of glasses. I've been trying to make a conscious effort the last few months to drink more.

  68. I have a bottle that holds 1 litre and I aim to finish it every day. I usually have a couple of cups of coffee and other stuff here and there too.

  69. I have a 1 litre bottle that I aim to finish every day. I usually have a couple of cups of coffee and other stuff here and there.

  70. About 2 glasses the rest is cups of tea

  71. Not as much as i should, i know that

  72. I don't drink enough water but I do want to get a water filter to use with my coffee machine.

  73. not enough at all, i had my feet done once and told that my feet are showing i do not drink enough

  74. It depends on the weather but at least 2L a day.

  75. I am terrible at drinking enough water, probably less than a litre a day! I don't know why as I really notice a difference when I do drink lots.

  76. I drink about 3-4 litres of water a day

  77. I drink about 3-4 litres of water a day.

  78. I don't really keep track of my water intake, if decaf coffee counts then it's pretty high, if not, then I don't think it's anywhere near enough lol!

  79. Not enough, I actually forget to drink

  80. I aim to drink at least 2 litres of water a day.

  81. I drink loads, 2 liters, I love it!

  82. 4 cups of tea and about 2 to 3 glasses of water, but should drink more.

  83. Not enough during the week as work breaks won't allow!

  84. Sebastian Hinds9 June 2019 at 23:38

    1 to 2 litres and a cup of tea

  85. 2 litres (Commenting as Jacqui Rushton)

  86. A litre and an half

  87. I try to drink a couple of litres a day.

  88. i drink a good 5 glasses a dy also have about 4 brews too, if im at work i drink a couple of bottles of water too

  89. Loads! Well over the recommended amount. I have to drink a lot for medical reasons and it just got to be a habit...I have no idea how much - I don't keep track any more because I know I'm drinking more than enough

  90. I drink at least 2 litres,i've got those water bottles that have times on the side to track, also a few cups of tea

  91. I tend to drink around 500ml of plain water a day and around 7 cups of coffee (at least) and I'm trying to gradually up my water and reduce the coffee intake.

  92. Variable but at least one litre.

  93. I'm not sure has I am drinking on and off all day

  94. 2 cups of tea. 3 glasses of water! Water is my go-to with every meal.

  95. About two glasses a day so definitely not enough

  96. About a litre a day, I drink a lot in coffee though

  97. id say about 10-15 glasses per day

  98. I drink as much water as I can, but usually at least 2/3 litres per day 💚💚

  99. I actually drink the recommended amount, if not more as I run every day and need the extra fluid!

  100. Around 8 glasses a day. Having a kidney stone definitely made me drink more water.

  101. I take a bottle to work and have about a pint at home so probably not enough

  102. About two litres in tea and coffee - but none on its own

  103. I genuinely lose count since being pregnant... on an average day (not preg) I drink the minimum of 8 glasses maybe up to 10 but since being pregnant its basically the only drink i seem to be enjoying lately lol and I get thirsty a ton so probably about 20

  104. Fiona Johnstone14 June 2019 at 21:15

    I fill a litre bottle of water first thing in the morning and sit it in the kitchen. I'll drink from that throughout the day and replenish it when it's empty. It's easier to see how much I've drunk this way. I usually manage just over a litre so i need to do better.

  105. one glass a day.

  106. About a litre and lots of tea

  107. At the moment about 1 litre just water but I drink at least another 1.5 litre of herbal tea and coffee a day.

  108. Probably about 1 and a half litres.

  109. I drink lots of water, probably between 1-2 litres

  110. I aim for 2 litres a day but I average around 1.5 litres

  111. not enough im more a juice drinker

  112. Not enough...I try to get several glasses in and take a bottle to bed but I know I need to drink more !

  113. Not enough, as our tap water tastes awful

  114. I generally drink 2 litres of water plus a few coffees

  115. Not enough at all, maybe 2 or 3 glasses at the most

  116. I probably drink about 3 pints a day which really isnt enough. I need to drink more water as I drink too much coffee!

  117. i'm not really sure but properly should drink more than i do

  118. 4 glasses a day

  119. I don't know, but I always have a bottle or a glass with me - so hopefully enough.

  120. i drink about 1 liters of water a day

  121. Not as much as I should 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  122. Theresa Thomas15 June 2019 at 17:46

    I mostly drink Coffee at home and water with squash at work

  123. About 1 litre per day

  124. 5 or 6 Glasses a day, I have dry mouth from radiotherapy & have to sip water all day.

  125. on average about 4 or 5 glasses a day plus coffees :)

  126. 6 cups - the hydration does me a world of good :)

  127. About 3-4 big glasses a day

  128. 2 glasses of water and an awful lot of tea and coffee 😕

  129. well, I try to drink 2 litres a day... but usually only 1.3-1.5? including soup, tea, water and coffee

  130. About 2 litres

  131. Dean T (ribbons1978)15 June 2019 at 22:03

    I drink 2 litre bottles of water a day and then a bunch of teas and coffees which I guess doesnt count :(

  132. Nowhere near enough! Which is bad, because I have loads of health conditions and it would probably really benefit me. I try, but I love my Pepsi Max too much!!

  133. I drink probably a couple of glasses a day of water.

  134. Weekdays I probably drink at least 1 1/2 litres, nearly 2. Weekends I need to improve!

  135. I always drink a cup before I make my morning coffee, then try to drink a few glasses throughout the day. I know we're supposed to drink so many glasses a day, but people do not generally realise that we get a good amount of the water we need through our fruit, veg and other foods.

  136. I drink 1.5l of water and 1.5 litres of other drinks, trying to move to being mostly water.


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