Thursday, 3 January 2019

Veganuary with Indigo Herbs

After an indulgent festive period it's time to think of getting into shape, stick to the New Years resolutions and follow a healthy eating programme. I have created a plan for my self that I am going to try and follow, not just for January but throughout the year.

The plan is:

  • To eat healthy
  • To exercise
  • Maintain a good work/life balance
  • Sleep well
  • Reduce time on social media and spend more time outdoors
  • Spend time with family.
  • To slow down and enjoy life(I am very hyperactive)
My main focus is to eat healthy and exercise more.I have always been a vegetarian but on this blog I do share vegan recipes too. During the month of January my aim is to support #veganuary and post more vegan recipes on the blog. Being Vegan is not really difficult as most ingredients can be substituted with plant based products, such as nut milks, nut butters, vegan cheese too.

I particularly like the range of the raw seed and nut butters that are available form Indigo herbs. I always keep a supply of them in my pantry together with their organic dried fruits and fruit powders.

I love using the nut butters in my smoothies, in baking, making truffles and also just dolloped on my oats or porridge in the morning. My favorite morning routine is overnight oats with berries and almond milk with a generous dollop of almond butter in it. It really is a delicious breakfast to kick start the day. 

I also like making my chocolate oat shake with cacao, banana and indigo peanut butter. My family call it snickers smoothie. It really is absolutely delicious.

For lunch the black sesame seed tahini in a wrap with roasted peppers is absolutely delicious too.

You don't have to be a vegetarian or vegan to enjoy these nut and seed butters but if you planning on doing #veganuary they would be perfect to include in your diet. Do check out Indigo Herbs recipe ideas here.

The indigo range has a selection of different nut and seed butters and they have been very generous and have agreed to send one simplyfood reader a selection to try.

How to Enter:

·         Simply complete the Rafflecopter widget below to verify your entries
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·         Please read the rules they form the terms and conditions of this Giveaway
·         Closing date – 19th Jan 2019 12.00 am

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  • This giveaway is open to all readers over 18 who live in the UK.
  • The winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter (which uses and announced on this page.
  • Prize: A selection of Indigo seed and nut butters worth £50.00
  • Simplyfood is hosting this giveaway in collaboration of Indigo Herbs. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. They reserve the right to withdraw the competition at any time should any unforeseen circumstances arise, in case that the prize is not available a similar prize of same value will be substituted.  No monetary compensation will be given.
  • Indigo Herbs will be responsible for sending out the prize to the winner, by entering you are **consenting** to share your address for the prize to be sent and be contacted by email to notify you if you have won the prize. 
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*Giveaway in collaboration with Indigo Herbs


  1. eat more fruit and veg and try to exercise

  2. fab giveaway

  3. Instead of trying to take a huge dietary leap, try incorporating small, but meaningful changes to the daily diet, for example using healthier substitutes

  4. more exercise, drink more water, eat healthier and cycle more

  5. Don’t join the gym unless you actually enjoy it. Exercise is important but take up something that you will not just do for January. Choose something that you will do long term, whether that be a team sport, dancing, walking the dog more - anything that keeps you moving and inspires you.

  6. Set yourself a realistic target that is achievable rather than set yourself up for failure and disappointment

  7. Don't be over ambitious with your fitness goals build up gradually.

  8. Cut down on sugar and get active.

  9. don't use the weather as an excuse not to get out for exercise/walks - there's no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing choices!

  10. Choose unusual time slots for your exercise routines, so you don't get put off working out by all the annoying New Year's Resolution people who pile in at the obvious times and then quit again by mid-February.

  11. More sleep, water & better food choices

  12. To set yourself up for some realistic dietary eating plans.I know of people that go for the extreme diet only to not be able to maintain it when they get bored or go back to the way they were when they reach the weight via the wrong way and finish their diet.Eat smaller portions of the food that you like,Make some swaps for healthier alternatives on the more unhealhy foods.Exercise more in a fun way that you enjoy.

  13. Just eat healthily and exercice - and not just during January!

  14. Clifford Sherwood4 January 2019 at 06:20

    In my case its simply eat less

  15. I can't suggest anything better than Veganuary but it is always worth trying to cook from scratch. Start with something really quick and easy like soup.

  16. Start fresh, once the Christmas food is gone buy only fresh, healthy food and make sure to get plenty of exercise

  17. Eat healthy fresh unprocessed foods and get some exercise

  18. Totally eliminate sugar from your diet.

  19. Dry January can always lead to a shunning of alcohol totally! xx

  20. I like to get myself organised in January! I plan holidays to look forward to throughout the year, I love meal planning and going through my recipe books and Pinterest page, I practice mndfullness and spend as much time as I can with my grandchildren

  21. Go vegan! It's the best possible advice I can give, I am vegan and it's done wonders for my health and wellbeing

  22. Plenty of exercise, walking the dog, or joining the gym! Also preparing meals for each day of the week, so you can enjoy a healthy family dinner or a nutritious and filling breakfast to start the day.

  23. Eat less chocolate & exercise more!

  24. A good balance between exercise and relaxation.

  25. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables

  26. Be kind to yourself. Eat more veg, move around more and get out in the fresh air whenever you can.

  27. eat plenty so you don't feel deprived and then start bingeing. just be sure that you eat healthy whole foods.

  28. Cut down on alcohol and processed food

  29. A mixture of eating healthy, plenty of veg and gentle exercise

  30. one day at a time, drink more water, cut down on the treats, and get outside exercising

  31. Follow a wholefood vegan diet

  32. Take each day as a new day & don’t be to hard on yourself If you have a slip up. Continue the next day as if it was the start of your journey & eventually it will become easier.

  33. Take it easy :) don't rush and don't judge yourself too much x

  34. Start off slow a steady and then it won't seem so much a chore .

  35. drink lots and lots of water! :)


  36. Don’t join the gym unless you actually enjoy it. Exercise is important but take up something that you will not just do for January. Choose something that you will do long term, whether that be a team sport, dancing, walking the dog more -anything that keeps you moving and inspires you (Choose exercise YOU LOVE!!)

  37. Block out all blue light at night

  38. Devise a healthy living plan that starts small and can be built on (e.g. exercise twice a week not every day, cut out one of your monthly takeaways, not them all). Don't set yourself unrealistic expectations that see you give it all up in a couple of weeks.

  39. it`s still winter: stay well wrapped up and get plenty of warm food down you!

  40. A return to healthy and balanced moderation in your eating rather than a faddish starvation diet which you won't stick to

  41. Drink lots of water and everything in moderation

  42. Get outdoors, and do what exercise you enjoy, walking, running, cycling, and eat healthy to feel healthy!

  43. Don't cut out food you enjoy, just be mindful about balance

  44. Quite simple - THINK about what o actually eat drink and do - will make a big difference

  45. A healthier balanced diet and daily exercise of some kind.

  46. Walk as much as you can. I so conscious of this having a desk job. Even in the winter, a walk to the shops rather than drive is my preference if possible.

  47. Exercise more, generally our diets aren't as bad as the press make out, but a little bit of exercise can make a big difference

  48. Cut down on sugar, drink plenty of water and get plenty of exercise.

  49. drink more water and get out for some long walks

  50. Cut out snacks and keep active

  51. Simply planning - meal plan for the week, don't keep snacks in the house so you can't eat unhealthy foods and try to walk more, even if its just walking to the shop up the road instead of going in the car

  52. your mind has to be in it doesn't have to start 1st jan could be the 12th its when your ready

  53. Just to get outside and walk as much as you can - it will really make you feel good!

  54. Drink plenty and get outdoors

  55. Keep moving and eat fruit and veg of as many different colours as you can!

  56. Less meat, more vegetables!

  57. I try to cut out sweets and chocolates, and to get outdoors more

  58. Eat, drink and sleep well but don't fret about it, relax!

  59. Don't expect instant results. Slow and steady is best.

  60. to simply eat more healthily

  61. I think my advice is to find out exactly what you eat, what benefits the food gives you and to make sure you get at least a 20 minute walk a day to not only get those needed steps in, but to also get some vitamin D and boast your endophin levels.

  62. Drink more water to keep hydrated.

  63. Try to eat healthily, get more sleep and take more exercise

  64. Keep your windows open (with your heating off) as much as you can bear to; fresh air can really help reduce seasonal depression.

  65. Find an exercise you love, that way, you'll stick at it. I also keep a 2 litre bottle of water on my desk when I'm in the office to keep reminding myself to drink plenty. I also prep meals in advance and love soups in the winter as I can pack them out with loads of vegetables.

  66. It's the little things that can really add up - take the stairs instead of the lift, do a few squats while waiting for the kettle to boil, swap that hot chocolate for a refreshing herbal tea.

  67. Eat less processed foods

  68. Take the sweets to work and leave them there @leabana1 leanne w

  69. Have lots of fruit and veg in the house, rather than chocolate and naughty food!

  70. I like to plan meals for a healthy January.

  71. I like to plan our meals for a healthy January.

  72. dont follow "trends" do whats right for you ands set realistic goals

  73. Don't set yourself unrealistic goals, you'll only end up failing and will feel worse than you did when you started!

  74. introduce as much seasonal fruit and vegetables into all meals

  75. Cook your own fresh food and drink lots of water and get out into the fresh air

  76. Drink plenty of water, get a lot of early nights and eat sensibly.

  77. My advice is moderation! Don't try and cut absolutely everything "bad" out because you'll fail miserably. Much better to be successful and not quite as "optimal" than fall off the wagon completely - and then you can gradually make the next step.

    I would also say consciously add one extra portion of fruit and veg to your diet every day - really easy to do and very beneficial.

  78. Drink lots of water, when snacking choose healthier options and try to exercise x

  79. Be focused and strong willed. Drink plenty of water, eat well and train hard.

  80. Meal plan healthy meals, drink lots of water and exercise even gently

  81. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables rather than less healthy things

  82. Plan your meals in advance and drink plenty of water

  83. Drink more water and less coffee which dehydrates you!

  84. Be kind to yourself and make one small change at a time until it becomes a habit

  85. keep walking.... keep drinking ....... WATER!

  86. My advice is drink lots of water instead of drinking fizzy juice

  87. Lose 5 pounds in weight, you will feel healthier.

  88. Go for walks in the fresh air, drink more water and cut down the treats but still have some now and again

  89. Wrap up warm and get walking, find meals that healthy, but also nourishing.

  90. For a healthy January put off making any resolutions until the warmer weather when you are more likely to stick to them!

  91. Never under estimate the power of walking - even a small walk round the block will aide your body as well as your mental health

  92. A homemade vegetables soup a couple of times a week is healthy, cheap and comforting.

  93. Be realistic - don't do too much too soon. Just make small changes that will soon add up!

  94. drink more water than you thought you could

  95. Donate any spare food to a homeless shelter

  96. Eating more fruit and veg & exercise more

  97. Keep focused on the good things not what you are denying yourself.

  98. Everything in moderation

  99. I start in Feburary!! We eat down all our stocks of naughty things, start to move more, make plans then come pay day and first of Feb BOOM.

  100. I love nut butters - great with fruit as a snack.

  101. I try to avoid alcohol - it always makes me eat more!

  102. I always have lemons in my fridge and have a jug of boiling water on lemon slices that I drink especially in winter time. I'm rarely ill and bugs and viruses seem to pass me by when others are falling ill.

  103. To me its not just about the food and that means not jumping in the car for short journeys, walk walk walk!

  104. Drink water and chew your food more and move more

  105. All those Christmas goodies/chocolates don't need to be eaten by the first 2 weeks of January! have a ready supply of healthy snacks and keep those goodies for an occasional treat.

  106. Cut down on my fat and sugar intake

  107. Get fitter, eat healthier, cut the alcohol

  108. Start drinking more water....

  109. I am cutting back on alcohol and takeaways which will also save money and trying to plan meals and eat healthier

  110. Use a nutribullet to pack some raw greens into your diet every day.

  111. Don't go mad cutting everything out - just increase the good stuff!

  112. don't eat all the sweets and chocolate that is left over from Christmas

  113. instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks try a low fat yoghurt or a smoothie made from scratch or some fruit even

  114. Get out and about and get some exercise in the fresh air

  115. Drink more water and walk more instead of driving.

  116. It's important to think of what 'health' means to you. Maybe go for a walk a couple of times a week, or get in the kitchen and try cooking from fresh ingredients. Be kinder to yourself, ignore the fad diets and have a happy, healthy January.

  117. Don't let winter weather stop you from getting fresh air and exercise, just wrap up - there is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothing!

  118. overview your diet and exercise, and get plenty of frsh air x

  119. eat my five a day, and try to up my intake of water

  120. don't do what my natural inclination is and try and change everything at once. Believe me, swearing that no sugar or alcohol will touch my lips, I shall only think positive thoughts and will run a marathon every day for the rest of my life doesn't work. One thing at a time...

  121. get organised with the meal prep! x

  122. Replace all the crisps and biscuits with fruit

  123. cut out alcohol and fatty foods eat clean

  124. Cut down on sugar and alcohol and drink more water.

  125. I'm drinking gallons more water. Not only is it good for you but it fills your stomach so you're not hungry all the time.

  126. Try group exercise classes! they really keep you going

  127. Half the amount of carbs and double the amount of veg on each plate

  128. Small steps so you don't give it up like drink more water

  129. Go for walks instead of eating lunch at desk

  130. Something you can do better and healthier than dry January and veganuary.
    I'm trying cut back on the alcohol andcdri k more water

  131. Something you can do better and healthier than dry January and veganuary.
    I'm trying cut back on the alcohol and drin k more water

  132. drinking more water and watching what I eat!

  133. kayleigh Robinson15 January 2019 at 14:30

    Give dry January a try! I do it every year and definitely feel healthier for it after a month!

  134. Taking part in DryJanuary - Bit of a Detox set amount of water to drink each day walk & trying meat free Vegan days

  135. Lots of healthy smoothies and some extra long dog walking....

  136. My advice for a healthy January is to eat more vegetables and less sugar.

  137. Eat all the Christmas chocolate and goodies before January 1st! or give them away so not tempted

  138. No sugar, become vegan and always have a positive outlook!

  139. To cook healthier family meals x

  140. Plan meals and make a list before shopping. Drink lots of water and hide the Christmas sweets away xx

  141. I need to drink more water. . I don't drink tea or coffee only juice but the sugar content is a concern.

  142. Exercise a little more, drink more water and try to eat healthier

  143. Eat more vegetables and less chocolate.

  144. I already doing my fitness and health journey been doing it for 2 years now. so I would say stick to things that are going to work for you.

  145. Eat lots of different coloured vegetables - that way you'll eat a wide range of vitamins and minerals. We are what we eat!

  146. Move more to keep warm and fit an to help you lose any extra pounds you gained over Christmas

  147. Eat well, exercise and try to get out in the fresh air

  148. Walk more, eat less, sleep well

  149. Try and cook everything from scratch and drink lots and lots of water

  150. Drink more water, eat my 5 a day and take more exercise.

  151. To drink lots of water and enjoy a daily brisk walk

  152. Put on your trainers and get out the door!

  153. it's busy, but find the time to cook proper and healthy.

  154. Try and stick to any resolutions you made. Exercise as much as you have time for.

  155. Eat well, drink lots of water, decaffeinate and avoid alcohol! (Jacqui Rushton)

  156. Eat more than your 5 a day and drink plenty of water!

  157. Eat more vegetables.

  158. Drink more water and eat less processed foods

  159. Don't go mad, just make a small change and stick to it!

  160. Don’t limit yourself the more you say you can’t have the more you want reward yourself with a little treat

  161. Lots of long walks and fresh fruit, veggies and water!

  162. Just go vegan!

  163. I follow Dry Jan every year, last time I made it until june, I feel amazing!

  164. Eat more Fruits and go to the Gym this month.

  165. small d.etry changes for example, changing processed food to fresh where possible, don't deny yourself a treat but perhaps have one day a week where you have a treat meal. My day is Friday and I cook Steak and Chips. it give me something to look forward to when i'm eating salad through the week

  166. After eating rich food from Christmas start making and eating lots of homemade soups and warm winter salads for a healthy start to the new year.

  167. Eat more fruit and vegetables, try and exercise even if it's just walking instead of driving and drink more water

  168. Drink more water, cut out processed sugar, complete at least 5000 steps a day

  169. Try making some home made vegetable soups, very filling and warming and don't make resolutions!

  170. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit

  171. Drink plenty of juice and fresh fruit and veg

  172. We stumbled over here from a different page and thought
    I should check things out. I like what I see so i am just following you.
    Look forward to going over your web page again.

  173. Drink more water and cut out sugar ( use honey instead)

  174. Just make some small changes rather than go all out

  175. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and up your intake of water

  176. Everything in moderation - don't try and cut lots of stuff out, just cut down a bit

  177. Eat healthily and buy a home exercise bike as more likely to use if close by!

  178. Menu plan and write a shopping list. It really helps stop the snacking and the temptation to order unhealthy takeaways.

  179. Moderation after all the festivities

  180. Take small steps at a time and don’t get mad with yourself. If you have a bad day,don’t say that’s it I’ve broken my diet,start afresh the next day


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