
Tuesday 4 May 2010

Shrikand (Hung yoghurt dessert)

Srikhand is a very popular GuJarati sweet dish that is served at weddings and also in an Indian thali.

It is make with very few ingredients, but it is extremely adaptable and can be flavoured with many fruits such as strawberries, mangoes, chikoo and pineapple.

Srikhand can be eating during religious fasting and is a suitable vrat ka khanna. I have shared below the classic version with saffron, cardamom and rose petals. You can also make a coconut srikhand.

Yield: Serves 4

Shrikand (Hung yoghurt dessert)

Shrikhand-A creamy delicious dairy dessert made from natural hung yoghurt, sweetened with sugar and delicately fragranced with cardamom and saffron. Garnished with chopped nuts, a rich dessert to tickle and tantalise your taste buds.
prep time: 24 H to drain the yoghurt& 15 Mcook time: nonetotal time: 24 H & 15 M


  • 1000 grams natural yoghurt (full fat not low fat)
  • 300 grams powdered sugar (add more if you prefer sweeter)
  • 2 teaspoons ground cardamom powder
  • 1 tablespoon almond slivers
  • ½ tablespoon thinly sliced pistachio nuts
  • Few strands saffron soaked in 1 teaspoon warm milk.
  • Few strands saffron for decoration.
  • Rose petals for decoration.


  1.  In a muslin cloth pour the yoghurt, gather the cloth up and tie a knot.
  2.  Place the muslin cloth with the yoghurt in a colander for the water to drain out of the yoghurt. (Don’t forget to place the colander on a tray to catch the drained water.)
  3.  Leave yoghurt overnight to drain water and next morning transfer the drained yoghurt (hung yoghurt) to a bowl. It should be thick and creamy.
  4. Add the powdered sugar to the hung yoghurt and the saffron soaked in milk. Mix in all the ingredients.
  5.  Add the cardamom powder and mix thoroughly.
  6.  Transfer the mixture to a serving dish and garnish with the almond slivers, pistachio nuts and saffron strands and rose petals..
  7. Chill before serving.
Created using The Recipes Generator

You make like:
Milk Pudding

You can see the video version of this delicious dessert below:


  1. hey dear shrikhand looks fantabulous creamy and yum..pass on the bowl......hehe...

  2. Wow, this looks so rich and creamy !!!

  3. Shrikhand is our one of the fav. dessert....looks yummy and mouthwatering!!

  4. Nayna, this is too to try the fruit shrikand..great pictures Dear..

  5. Really need to make shrikhand sometime soon.. have been seeing it everywhere on blogs! And the recipe seems reasonably simple. Hope you enjoyed yours! Cheers! :)

  6. yummy dish. nice presentation too

  7. My all time fav dessert..Looks so yummy..

  8. love shrikhand...easy yet delicious dessert to make anytime...and the best part is no cooking needed...

  9. Looks very yummy. Nice shots too. Very cooling on a hot day.
    I am drooling.

  10. Nayna,
    Shrikand looks really yummy. I need to try this recipe some time.

  11. awesomely yummy !! looks so tempting and inviting mouth is watering....nice clicks too !!

  12. Thats very simple and beautiful..

  13. Ummmmmm this rich dessert looks divine.. Very nice photos.
    Hamaree Rasoi

  14. Wow!!!!
    Delicious dessert...
    Thx. for sharing dear :-)

  15. Shrikand is a completely new dessert to me..Great recipe and nice pics..

  16. Wat a tempting shrikhand, looks gorgeous with all those nuts..

  17. Shirkand looks very rich dessert,,heard about it but hv nt tasted yet dear...i hope it will taste good with this rich ingredeints..

  18. Superb shrikhand dear...I am drooling over those pictures :)

  19. Very tempting.... Perfectly prepared & presented & awesomely captured to bring out its essence..... KUDOS!!!!


  20. Hey teh Shrikhand looks so yummy...nice Recipe

  21. Thats one of my favourite dessert. Looks very yummy :)

  22. Mouth watering recipe.. looks perfect dear!!

  23. Shrikhand is one of my fav desserts...absolutely yummmm:)

  24. Love this..looks so tempting and yumm

  25. it looks great and I have forgotten the numerous times of having shrikand so it

  26. Love creamy shrikand with all that garnishing.

  27. I don't think I've tried this before but it sounds awesome. Wish I could have some now :)

  28. Shrikand looks delicious..very tempting ...

  29. Thts lovely.... Shrikand is my favourite... Will try this at home.....
    Thanks for ur comments in my blog...
    Madhurya Karthik

  30. My mom used to make this, love it. Got to try in Summer.

    I take Xyzal which helps most of the time for my allergy, sometime only a allergy shot can help atleast for a allergy free month. You know today temp is 90F, they are warning code Orange Ozone air! GGGRrrreat for me!!!:P

  31. Shrikhand oh can u plz send me this bowl ???yumm..

  32. I've never had a dessert like this - looks great!

  33. Thank you for the lovely entry

  34. wow this looks great! I love the garnishing.

  35. This is my hubby's favourite dessert. Very nice and creamy one. I love the kesar elaichi flavour the best though these days we get so many flavours.

  36. Yummilicious shrikhand. Love the color, texture and flavor. Awesome combo, "saffron and nuts."

  37. Srikhand is my all time favourite dessert and me and my hubby just need an excuse to indulge in this. I am loving the recipe and the beautiful bowls

  38. A bowlful of a heavenly sweet treat. I love my shrikand loaded with nuts. Adding rose petals makes it so flavorful. I remember my mum would chop up fresh rose petals and mix it into the shrikand.


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